Laravel-5 or 5.2 Remove public folder name from the project URL.
I have configured and installed laravel but now I am facing the issue of URL it will work with the public folder instead of simply end with the project name.
I have written URL as localhost/projectname and my project name is Laraveldemo.
so I can access the URL for the project as localhost/laraveldemo but it's not rendering the view.So I did the R&D how the URL will be in laravel.
I was read the document where written as you can access URL using public it will be a
Now I want to deploy the project to a live server and want to remove the public from the URL.
I did a number of R&D and find the solution as below in just two steps.
1) Rename the server.php in your Laraveldemo root folder to index.php
2) Copy the .htaccess file from /public directory to your project e.x Laraveldemo root folder.